Recently the only media I have been consuming has been political and social debates on various topics which only furthered my belief that debates are pointless and retarded. The modern day debater sees a debate as a way to see how they can massively pwn their opponent by strawmanning, interrupting, and avoiding as many questions as possible instead of a conversation used to better ourselves and our society. Is good faith dead in the 21st century? Idk probably. In the generation that grew up off Trump and various other politicians and political figures trying to copy his 'aura' they all strive to be the awesome DESTROYER of their political opponents using big words and unnecessary hypotheticals. Name calling is the standard for debates nowadays. To anyone reading this I pose you this question, are you likely to agree with and even be willing to change if the person you are debating calls you a nazi? an idiot? a pig? The answer is most likely no. The modern day 'debater' lives to thrive off of miseducated individuals and will contort and abuse them until they eventually get their 'gotcha' moment. Why did this happen? To be honest, I have no clue. Humans thrive to be in power, to prove that they are better than you and to show that they are more important or smarter. The debate is now a bastardization of what it used to be, a weapon for tiktokbrained retards to le epic pwn the next uneducated fool they see to put in their next dumbass owned compilation on the internet. Debate culture is an ouroboros of bad faith circlejerking and I am glad I'm not participating. If you ever see me seriously politically debating please KILL me. ! IM SERIOUS !