I am in the middle of recoding this site due to a major flaw in what I've made, my eyes are heavy and I haven't slept in so long. I am nowhere close to some of the things I've been working on. Here's another slop post incoming so I can take my mind off coding :p... Today's topic is: human life!!! I have been thinking about the value of life for the past few years at this point. What is my life? Is there value to life? Is someone else's life more valuable to mine? Does life even matter? It's a real complex and scary topic to think about truly, coming to terms with your mere existence is absolutely depressing and draining. So, why am I here? Truly I have zero clue and to be honest... my existence is obsolete, and so is yours. We are all a part of the same machine which is the cycle of life in death. Thousands are born and thousands die each day. It is all a part of this machine-like danse macabre that we all will experience eventually. I will die and you will die and that's okay, we all will die and that's the odd beauty of it. We are all equal in the face of the danse macabre, no human life is better or more valuable than another. No matter of age, race, sex, wealth, job, social stance, etc. you and I are exact equals, I will die and you will die. That's a scary thought isn't it? Ceasing to exist, what will happen? Truthfully I have zero clue. The mere thought of the feeling of non-existence scares me. What exactly would the feeling of NO feeling feel like? No free will, no self awareness, literally nothing. I've spent nights losing sleep over this idea. The idea of my life having no purpose, no value, nothing. My 18 years I have currently lived will mean nothing once I am dead, so this begs the question... why? Why am I living? Why are you living? Why are we all living? To be completely honest, I don't know. For knowing my life will equate to nothing once I am dead, I still dread the idea of death. Not only do I dread death, I dread living as well. Doing everything in my life for nothing is tolling and dreadful to me, even simply just writing this post is never going to equate to anything once I am dead and gone. But hey, we are all just on our danse macabres. I'm sure i'll write something more cheerful and less cynical later. I just wanted to get something out and give myself a break from coding. Currently to do list is to fix the site and then get the shoutbox to work so lookout for that.